This review is a little different then our other reviews. Nathan and Aaron reviewed the Jellybox 3D Printer separately. Their reviews are going to be combined into one post, but we will let you know who is talking. There will be a few points where I (the teacher) will jump in to the review.
Another thing for our readers to know… these printers were actually assembled last year by our student teams. They have had a full year of use, so we can give you lots of classroom feedback.
The instructions for where each part goes are engraved into the glass. The JellyBox also has the best wire-management around. – Nathan
Have you ever seen a piece of technology and thought, “Man, I wish I could see how that thing works!” With the JellyBox 3D printer by Imade3d, you can do just that.
All 6 sides of the JellyBox are made of a clear plexiglass so you can easily see the progress being made. There are no screws what-so-ever involved in outer assembly of this 3D printer. Instead it is all tied together with zip ties. These zip ties fasten together laser cut acrylic which makes fast assembly for the builder.
This printer is different from every other 3D printer because you can see it working from any angle you look at it. You can see how each component working and how everything comes together. Its fast to assemble and de-construct.
User Friendly/Support
The JellyBOX has a lot of qualities for user-friendly cleaning and use. Quick release extruder, quick-release build plate, quick release hotend, and an auto bed leveling are just a few things that this printer does to help make it very easy to use.
JellyBOX has a great tech support system. If you have any problems you can post them on the JellyBOX forum and you will get quick replies. You won’t usually have to wait forever and a day for a sketchy response. JellyBOX will also video chat with you and send you new parts if they cant help you.
The Display
The display is a small screen on the top left corner. You control the JellyBOX with a knob that you can twist to move about the choices on the screen and press down to select an option. This screen will let you know if there is a problem with the print and how far along in the print process your project is. Overall, the display does its job even if it is is small and is slightly annoying having to do everything with a single button.
Print Quality and Personal Experience
I have printed three things on a JellyBOX. I’ve seen other students print things much more complex than what I did and I have been very impressed with the quality of the prints. At first I was only printing simple things, but even when I got to more complex designs the JellyBOX did a great job. The JellyBOX works quickly and makes a very nice print. It doesn’t leave extra plastic strands that make a mess. JellyBOX is quick and neat, even with complex designs. One drawback to the print quality of the JellyBOX is the small work plane. The work plane is a 6.7 x 6.3 x 5.7 inches ( x, y, z axis), which is considered small. If you want to print something large then you may not want the JellyBOX.
Overall the JellyBOX is a really good printer for beginners. If you are more experienced and was to make complex designs then you may want to look into a bigger printer, but if you want a printer for a beginner class or just for fun then this is a very highly recommended printer
The JellyBox uses GPS coordinates to route its path of the design it is printing. The filament is quick and easy to change. Overall, it is an amazing product for what it is. It seems like it shouldn’t work very well but the truth is, it works better than a lot of 3D printers.
Mr. Snyder
Additional Praise
There are a few things that I love about the Jellybox.
1. Support for overhang. Getting support off can be tricky. When you have a print that has pieces that need support under them, it can turn into a nightmare. Jellybox uses Cura and seems to generate just the right amount for easy removal.
2. Live Adjustment — First Layer. I love being able to watch the first layer go down. With the dial on the display you can quickly raise or lower the nozzle. This does wonders for getting that first layer perfect (this is the most important layer).
Hello there! It’s hard to come by anything interesting in this particular subject (I mean something that is not overly simplistic), because everything related to 3D seems very difficult. You however sound like you know what you’re talking about 🙂 Thank you for spending your time writing some good content for us!