Giving to NCS via Raise The Region
Making your contribution go farther...

Raise The Region Raise the Region is an initiative to encourage the community to give to local charities, NCS being one of them.

If you elect to make a contribution to Raise the Region, a percentage is added to your contribution through a gift from the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships. So when you select NCS as the organization you are supporting, NCS not only gets the contribution you gave, but a portion of the $150,000 gift from Blaise Alexander. In addition to the added percentage, there are also significant cash prizes that other local business provide, that are awarded throughout the 30 hour event.

Last year, in addition to the gifts given by donors, NCS received over $7,000 in Stretch/Matching funds from Blaise Alexander and $11,000 in prizes!

More information is available here on how Raise the Region is a win-win situation.

Raise The Region Raise the Region is essentially a vehicle you can use to give via credit card to any part of the ministry of NCS, and your contribution to NCS will be increased over what it would have been by sending us a check directly. Raise the Region starts on Wednesday, March 12 at 6 PM and continues through the end of the day on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

Contributor Name   


If your contribution is supporting one or more students in the Warrior Walk, please list their names below

We will not use your email to contact you for anything other than a reminder about the start of Raise the Region.

When entering your contribution on the Raise the Region website, please do not click the "I would like to make this donation anonymously" checkbox. If that checkbox is marked, NCS will not know who made the donation.

Raise the Region Teams Summary

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Northumberland Christian School
was founded in 1972 to provide a
God-centered education that
stimulates in the students a
passion for excellence in
learning, service and worship.

351 5th Street
Northumberland, PA 17857
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