Financial Support

You can partner with NCS by participating in the following programs:

The NCS Fund
Each year education costs exceed tuition revenue by approximately 20%. This 20% gap is $250,000 for this fiscal year (June 1st - May 31st). In order to bridge this gap, we rely on the generous gifts of those who share our vision and excitement for Christian education.

Every student who has ever attended NCS has been helped by having their tuition lower because of donors committed to the NCS Fund.

The NCS Partners
Our NCS Partners is a group of donors who understand our need to overcome this annual deficit and commit to providing $300 or more annually (on an ongoing basis) to bridge the gap. If you would like to be part of The NCS Partners please complete the form below and print a copy for your records. To make your gift by automatic monthly debits to your banking account (recommended), sign and complete the form below and return by mail. Otherwise, click here for alternative automatic withdrawal, or use another method of giving.

NCS Partners Forms:
NCS Partners Membership Form
Automatic Electronic Transfer Gifting Form

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The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program

The NCS Scholarship Program
While the EITC program has been a great blessing to many families at NCS, there remain financial needs beyond what EITC scholarship funds can meet.

Office of Development
Kim Bennett, Director
Northumberland Christian School
351 5th Street
Northumberland, PA 17857
Phone: 570-473-9786

Northumberland Christian School
was founded in 1972 to provide a
God-centered education that
stimulates in the students a
passion for excellence in
learning, service and worship.

351 5th Street
Northumberland, PA 17857
Map & Directions
© 2025 Northumberland Christian School. All rights reserved.